A hands-on way to get involved
One of the best ways alumni can support UCM is through practical volunteering opportunities. There are a few different ways to get involved.
Volunteer help at eventsLarge UCM events take a ton of manpower to pull off successfully. When alumni step in to shoulder some of that work, the staff and student leaders can be more available to connect with students.
We are looking for volunteers for two upcoming events: UCM Welcome BBQ (September 8) Volunteers are needed to help grocery shop, set-up on the day, and help with running the event (food prep, grilling, and clean-up). Interested? Email staff@ucmatubc.com UCM Fall Retreat (Sep 30 - Oct 2) More food! Volunteers are needed to help grocery shop the week before, plus volunteers who would come to the retreat to help in the kitchen. You'll be working alongside staff and students so it is not an onerous task! The retreat centre is close to Vancouver so you can come and help for as many meals as your schedule allows. Email [email protected] if you can help out! |
Student discipleshipStaff are faced with a wonderful problem every year - there are too many student leaders who want to be discipled! This is a fantastic area for alumni to provide for a need - alumni understand the UCM ministry and UBC experience well, and have good university life experience that students find valuable. Ideally, alumni would be paired with a student in a similar field of study.
The level of time commitment is dependent on each individual's availability. Typically, a student and alumni would connect once every two weeks for about 45 minutes, either in person or over the phone - but every relationship is unique! The UCM staff will help make the connection, and check-in occasionally, and the rest is up to the alumni and student. Email [email protected] if you're interested. |